App Store Contest


25 Billion Apps

This was a task by Mr. Meyer

There was a contest to see who could download the 25th billionth app. We decided that we would try to find out when it would hit 25 billion.  What we did was we found out how many apps were downloaded per a second, then for an hour, then for a day. Soon we divided that number by how many hours are in a day. It came to around 480. Then we did the math and thought that it will be at 25 billion in around 10 days,12 hours or at March 5, 6:24am.

I can…Student-Led Conference Blog Post

These nine weeks, we have worked on many different kinds of problems with math. I have had many problems with some things, but I am starting to get it. These are some of the things we have been working on and we can do well.

I can add and subtract negative numbers

3-(-2)=1     (-8)-(-5)=(-3)     (-12)-5=(-17)

I can multiply and divide negative numbers. If there is a negative number and you divide or subtract by a positive number, the number will always be negative. Also if you divide or subtract by two negative numbers, it will always be positive

3*(-3)=(-9)     20/(-5)=(-4)     (-20)*(-4)=80

I can preform the distributive property

I practiced many times on Khan Academy

I can combine like terms and combine like terms using the distributive property


I can evaluate positive, zero, and negative exponents

3^3=81     4^-2=1/16     8^0=1

I can simplify expressions using exponents


I think I have done very good this year in math. Right now I have an A in the class. Every other year I have gotten a B. This year I think I deserve an A or A- because I have tried my hardest,but I haven’t studied like I should.



Last week we worked on exponents. At first, it was difficult, then I started to get it. So here is the rules of multiplying and dividing numbers with exponents.

When your multiplying 2 exponents, you add them together.

    (x^4)*(x^2)= (x^6)

When dividing 2 exponents, you subtract the exponents 


When you are taking an exponent by another exponent, you always multiply


So that’s all the rules of multiplying and dividing numbers with exponents.

The Square Root of 32

Last week we learned how to find the square root of irrational numbers. At first I didn’t get it, then it started getting easier as we practiced more. So let’s try to do one.

Let’s say we need to try to find the square root of 32. First we figure out what rational numbers are around it. For 32 it would be 36 and 25, because 5*5 is 25 and 6*6 is 36. Since the number is closer to 36, the decimal is closer to 6.

Now we need to multiply decimals around 5.5 to 5.9 to see if they equal 32 or close to.

5.6*5.6=31.36,    5.7*5.7=32.49,    5.8*5.8=33.64

So we can conclude that the square root of 32 is around 5.7.